Saturday, November 26, 2011

So... it's post-op-day 3. Overall I am feeling great. I have four drains, two on each side. I hurt, but not terribly so.

We feasted on a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner brought over by loving friends - talk about feeling grateful! I feel surrounded by love and support and it makes this journey so much easier. 

Kevin has been so wonderful. He helps me with everything I need.

He even sets his alarm to give me my pain meds throughout the night.

I don't know what I would do without him. Somehow I don't feel comfortable without him being near me. We are basically newlyweds but this has propelled us into a more intimate, more REAL kind of love. I thank God for him every day!

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." Phillipians 1:3

Each day brings more gifts of love in the form of food (even from neighbors I have yet to meet!), flowers, cards, afghans, books, movies, and on and on.  These simple gifts lift my spirits and give me hope and smiles! Thank you! 

My first MD follow up is Monday with the plastic surgeon, then the oncologist on Thursday. I'll know more about chemo and radiation after the appts.

Love to you all!!!

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